I confess, lately I have been experiencing a bit of an identity crisis. Deep down, I know I am a city girl but I often dream of being a little bit country.....
Driving one of these....a big John Deere!
while wearing these, of course.....{duh!}...
Creating a comfy nest here......
where i would be making all sorts of delicious-ness in here......
while gazing out my window at this view......
Of course, my identity crisis has nothing to do with the fact that this week I had "scheduled" the day and time when tickets for this country boy's {swoon} concert would go on sale on his fan club website {why yes I am a member!}....Turns out I will be dusting off my cowgirl boots on June 11 and pretending to be a little bit country, identity crisis solved.
*all pictures from google images