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Spring House Tour! {my very own}

Let's face it, I don't get asked to do home tours anymore. I am hardly a blogger, and that's a-ok with me.  Don't get me wrong - I love that I can come on here, on my own terms and write and share - because I really, really enjoy writing and I am only now semi-comfortable with sharing photos of my home.  What?   Let me explain. Back when I started blogging, I think in 2008, I...

The 'She-Shed' version!

What can I say, I love to design spaces, so much so that I was inspired by Arhaus to design my version of one of the latest trends, the 'she-shed' (don't get me started on that label, I almost hate it as much as the label 'man cave'), I jumped at the chance to do something for fun and design a space I would love to hang out in myself.   Whatever you want to call it (submit your terms in...

2017 - the year I maybe never wanted to arrive.....

2017...... It's really here...... Ugh? Yea? Welcome? Go Away? Acceptance? Denial?...... Of course I knew you were coming 2017.  But dang, did you have to arrive so fast?  Time, it has a funny way of speeding up, it seems with each year....But long ago, maybe it was when my Emma (now 18 years old) started kindergarten, that it was mentioned that they would graduate from high school in...

New Year/New Space.......Design Board Sale!

I have recently been contacted by a few of you asking about e-design services.  If I have learned one thing since I began designing for others four years ago, it's that there are exactly TWO times a year when it seems EVERYONE gets anxious to make changes to their space.....the first is when the kids go back to school in September and the second is when the holiday decorations get put...

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