

What if we really embraced every day as if it were Friday?
Because, really there is something good to be had
in each and every day if we choose to notice it.

But I am looking pretty happy today is Friday -
I'm hosting friends and clients in my home for
my first Noonday party……..As I prepared my 
home and prepped some food yesterday, I remembered
how much I really love to entertain.  I am not a fancy
host - but I hope my guests feel comfortable and loved when
they are in my home…..

Wishing you enjoyment and joy in all your days!
Happy Friday!

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3 comments on "Happy."
  1. You are so right, every day is a special day. My son was about four when he told us "today is yesterday's tomorrow." Smart for such a little guy. Have a wonderful Friday. Alaina

  2. I love this quote! You are so right, there is good in each day if we only seek to find it. What a treat for your guests to be entertained with your generosity for a great cause.

  3. I just found your beautiful blog, I love it! Stop over and see mine. XX Jo


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