First, I must say, I am a bit overwhelmed by the sweet comments left for me after my last post. I have read each and every one and find them all so wonderful. It is so nice to know you are out there! Writing this blog, taking the leap and really "putting it out there" has really been one of the best experiences...I mean it.
I am humbled and honored to be featured on my friend Kim's blog
(Mimi Charmante) today. I met Kim when she came to Minnesota to shop at the Oronoco Gold Rush Antiques Show. It was such a treat to meet her in real life and will look forward to seeing her again!
I realized today that I cannot really do right by the Junk Bonanza experience by limiting my coverage to just one post. So, consider this post Chapter One.....The Thrifty Mom Challenge.
Y'all (the one place I have never lived is the South, however, today that just came out, go figure!)remember that Ki crowned me the Junk Bonanza "Thrifty Mom", correct?
It is hard to put in words what an honor and a true thrill it was to work with Ki - and I use the term "work" rather loosely here because what I did was not rocket science by any means. However, for a fan like myself, just being able to say to my husband, "sorry honey, dinner is going be late, I have a meeting with Ki" was a total kick! And for all of you out there who think you can't possibly pursue your dreams and passions, my becoming the "Thrifty Mom" is proof that you can.
You see, last year I went to the Junk Bonanza as a shopper. I had just moved to Minnesota and was a fan of Ki's from Country Home magazine.
Knowing that I want to do something with my passion for shopping vintage, incorporating it into your home, being creative in the pursuit of making a home etc....I asked a friend who knows Ki if she could introduce us.
I met Ki for coffee in July and quickly became the "Thrifty Mom". I was given my assignment - to create a fabulous table scape with $100 using only items found at our local thrift store Arc's Value Village.
Little did I know that this table would get so much attention. It seemed our local television stations were interested in covering it - and Ki wanted to the press to promote the Bonanza. I appeared on one program with a representative from Arc's Value Village and Ki appeared on another (I even got to go there with her and be on set!) The picture above is of Ki on set and below is an edited version of the table ready for tv.
At the Bonanza, I set up my table near the Arc's Value Village booth (they were a vendor this year). Bonanza shoppers were able to put their name in a drawing to win the items that I put together. I was thrilled with all the compliments the table received! It was fun to talk to shoppers about shopping thrift and some even recognized me from my television appearance!
On Saturday, with Ki present I got to draw the winning name! And today, I delivered the goods to a VERY happy woman who told me that she had been married 35 years and had never owned a set of china! It warmed my heart to present her the boxes of gorgeous china and silver service.
I have to say, I l-o-v-e-d every minute of this experience. You see, one day I was a (more often than not) happy stay-at-home mommy to two girlies, wife to one traveling man hubby, friend to many, sometimes exerciser, wine lover, infrequent laundress, habitual redecorator, PTA volunteer..... AND THEN, I got to play dress-up and pretend I was a glamorous stylist working with a real live magazine editor, junker-extrodinare.... all because I took that leap...made that phone call.
I saw this quote recently:
Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. (Howard Thurman)What I discovered is that I have creativity within me and using it makes me "come alive". Being in the presence of other creative types - Ki, Matthew Mead, Heather Bullard, Serena Thompson, Linda MacDonald and all the talented vendor and friends that I met was simply glorious and boy, did I feel ALIVE and lucky.
Chapter Two, coming tomorrow, I promise. Thanks bunches and bunches to all of you, dear friends!