

Love this.
It's the truth.
I want my girls to really know this.
So I must practice it myself.
In my living and breathing actions.

Today, I wanted to remind you of this.
But you probably already knew it.
Cause I have smart readers.

It's Monday.
Lot's of possibilities.

6 comments on "TRUTH."
  1. I love this too Jill. I have a friend who is struggling with cancer she needs to read this as a reminder...God is not finished with her and while she is here....enjoy! ...thanks! Blessings!

    1. Hi Patty,
      It's most likely hardest to remember this when you are struggling, but that's when it's most important! And I am convinced, it then becomes habit! Prayers for your friend.
      xo~ Jill

  2. Thanks, needed to see this today, hard to put into practice at the time it's most needed but all worthwhile things seem to require effort. xo jonni xo

  3. How timely...this is something I needed, especially today. Thank you.

  4. Jill

    You and I pin a lot of the same quotes. I saw this on your blog today I needed to see it.... I wanted to reach out to you to say you should pin this one, I couldn't have said it better myself.
    Hang in there, be strong,

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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