
Day two....of three....

Day two with no children started off fine enough....woke up later than usual...in an ultra-quiet house....watched Matt and Meredith while checking email....

Decided I should probably tackle the mountain of back-to-school paperwork that was collecting on my desk and go through the more than 100 emails I had been "saving" on my computer....

I finally looked at the clock.....3 hours later! Still in my pajamas and suffering what can only be called "a severe case of computer butt"....I laced up these puppies for a much needed run...

Then after an evening spent with some wonderfully creative women over a couple glasses of wine, I returned to a very quiet house....do I dare say.... I miss my girls!

Tomorrow I leave for Oregon to see my besties and eventually reunite with my girls at my parents' home.... One more post before I go. I pinky promise (as my friend Kasey would say)pictures from the Queen of Tarte Flea Market with the infamous Barn House boys when I return in September!

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5 comments on "Day two....of three...."
  1. I would say that, that sounds like a blissful morning/afternoon!;)Alyssa

  2. Hi Jill , Have a great time at the flea. If you have time Monicello is about an hours drive up I 205. Definately worth the trip. Maybe I will see you there :)

  3. Jill, I know you miss the kids, but I have to say, computer butt sounds like heaven!

  4. * LOVE your blog!And yes I can relate to the "computer butt"problem!lol.. Rachel :)

  5. I love your desk. How pretty! We lived in Oregon (Grants Pass) for 20 months. Summertime was gorgeous! Have fun!


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