
Do you recognize these designers?

I just met them last night.

No, I have not been watching Design Star on HGTV, as much as you might expect that I would.

** Hey peeps at HGTV - you might want to do a show that actually allows the designers to design rooms that reflect who they are - forget the ridiculous "design challenges" that have no basis in reality (no pun intended!).

Design Star had frustrated me in the past so I tuned out...that is until last night.

I loved both designers who made it to the finals. I especially loved that all the designers opted for collected looks in their designs - using vintage and repurposed items that are accessible to ALL of us! Low and behold!

I am home with NO children for the next three days, working on lots of Junk Bonanza projects. My girls are on a road trip with their grandparents. I will fly west to Oregon on Thursday, hang out with some friends in Portland (shopping the Queen Of Tarte Flea Market, yippee!)and meet the girls at my parents' home in Bend, Oregon next week!

Happy Monday friends!

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3 comments on "Do you recognize these designers?"
  1. lucky you!!
    looking forward to many pictures, right?

    i haven't read any of the books by that author ( girl with dragon tattoo). if you say its good, i'll check it out. thanks for swinging by

  2. Woohoo! Mommy free time! Perfect opportunity for some projects, shopping and socializing. Have a great time....cant wait to check back for photos.

  3. where have you been sister....design star is my sunday night must.
    love it....
    have a fun child free reign....
    i am jealous.


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