
Since last time we chatted.....

Summer finally came to the Pacific Northwest......and lo and behold,
we discovered our central air is not working!  While the rest of the country
has seen record temps, the northwest has been mild.  And when I say
summer has finally come, I mean temps in the 80's with NO humidity - lovely!

Our family spent the holiday at home - celebrating with friends,
tackling a few home projects and enjoying some fun right in our
own backyard.

Our home has THREE garden arbors - lovely but they needed
a fresh coat of paint in a bad way.  So, yours truly tackled each of them
with a quart of BM Snow White and they look fresh as a daisy!
The puppy posed just for you!

While I was taking photos of the pooch sitting in front of the freshly 
painted arbor/gate, I thought I would take some photos of the outside of
our home.  We have No grass, yes you read that right.  Our home sits
high off the street so the sloped front yard has perennials, trees
and shrubs.  The backyard has a brick patio that runs the length of the house, 
a lovely natural looking fountain, and a terraced yard with plantings.  
We live up in the hills so land is tricky to build on and really in
Portland you just don't get big yards like so much of 
the country enjoys.  The city of Portland has established
an urban growth boundary to prevent urban sprawl and
to encourage citizens to take public transportations, walk or
even bike to places!  In many respects it's great but homes
are built on very small lots.

We love our lot because it is private and relatively large 
compared to others we looked at just over a year ago.

Our side yard has wonderful raised beds.  We are having fun
watching our garden grow and are looking forward to enjoying tomatoes,
peppers, zucchini, corn, pumpkins and blueberries!

In our backyard, we even managed to tuck a trampoline in the corner for the girls!
Can you see it below?

And while we did manage to do lots of work around the house
over the long weekend, we also did some fun things too.

We took the girls up to Mt. Hood to a ski area that has a summer "Alpine Slide" - basically
a 1/2 mile chute down the ski run!  You ride the chair lift up and ride a 
sled down - it was a blast! 

Anyone else feel like summer is flying by?  

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8 comments on "Since last time we chatted....."
  1. Your backyard is absolutely dreamy!

  2. The arbor looks great and your backyard looks like such a retreat! Lovely.

  3. I love your water feature in the back yard. Very serene!

  4. Beautiful yard, and adorable pup! Our summer is turning out to be a scorcher. Finally some rain last night and today! We're looking forward to a second trip to the beach in a couple of weeks. Can't wait!

  5. I'm surprised you're home/ garden hasn't been featured on Better Homes and Gardens, or have you? Amazing!

  6. Your yard is so cozy. I can see myself there;) I'd love to ride that slide.

  7. Yea summer is racing towards fall way too quickly!!
    Sigh!!Love your yard...so enchanting.

  8. Your garden is beautiful. Just found your blog.
    New Follower!



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