
Around the house today.....randomness galore!

Time for home and decorating projects has been scarce this summer......
and I am ok with that, except that it leads
to very little content for my blog.
A blog that has been sorely neglected while
I have been shuttling kids to art camps, soccer practices
and tournaments, hosting sleepovers and playdates {or "hanging out"
as my almost 14 year calls it, but I like to annoy her and call
it a playdate, I am a fun mom like that!}. Phew......is it 
September yet?

So.........I pulled out my DSLR and shot some photos of a few 
recent additions to my home, and other miscellaneous  -
for your viewing pleasure.

I added the white cabinet in June - I used to have a dresser in this spot
but really needed storage for extra serving pieces and table linens.
I also felt the space needed something tall and frankly, I was
tired of tablescaping in my great room!  This cabinet from
my lovely friend Lisa, who sells at Farm Chicks, Stars Antiques Mall
and Barn House fit my criteria perfectly! 

I also added a sweet linen, ruffled {enough adjectives?} slipcovered stool to my great room.
I got the stool from Worthy Goods at Monticello in Portland.  When
I was trying to get said stool out of the booth to purchase it, I happened
to knock a few things over, breaking an item in the 
process.  Monticello made me purchase the broken
item - no joke.  So when the sign says, "You break it,
You buy it" - you better believe it, sister!

On Saturday morning, I was up at the crack of dawn to get myself
in line for the Barn House Flea Market - I had to get my shop on
before soccer mom duties called later that day.  Of course, the boys
hosted another fabulous sale - it was CROWDED and I don't 
shop well under pressure!  I did grab this huge old bread board 
{pictured above} - sorry Kim!   I took ZERO pictures, seriously!

Oh, and see those zucchini's above - they also stress me
out - they seem to just keep coming and coming and coming
before you can say, "let's make 549 loaves of zucchini bread"!
Those are the first 3 from this year's garden......

These pretty paint chips were sitting on my desk - some for a design consult and
some for me........I MUST paint something coral, must.......when the kiddos go 
back to school.

And I am official - I finally got some business cards -
calling myself a "Home Stylist"......'cause I get 
asked what I do and this is the year I make it official.....and
begin charging people for my style.....friends and all!  I mean it!

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11 comments on "Around the house today.....randomness galore!"
  1. Hi Jill- I have to say I'm so jealous that you get to shop from Worthy Goods and BarnHouse! And I LOVE the business cards! Would you mind sharing where you got them?


  2. Love your cards....and your styling is very pretty!

  3. You go girl. Wish you were close. My basement is the ultimate white box challenge. I want barn wood...no baton board...no built ins....grrrr decisions decisions. You will do so good.

  4. Beautiful pictures!! I SO SO SO want to go to Barn House...how do I get the info for next time?

    I adore your business cards those are GREAT!!

    ♥ Ashley

    check out my giveaway:


  5. Well HELLO Miss Home Stylist! How awesome is that? I love your new pieces. I find myself collecting bread boards lately. But only on the cheap so far. I'm really longing for a dough bowl.

    So funny about the playdate because I was wondering the other day in regards to my 11 year old at what point I should stop referring to it that way. Maybe several years ago?

  6. Do you charge if it is all over the internet? :)

  7. So good to see you at Barn House, Jill. Was that bread board the only thing you got? It's super cool! Thanks for the sweet little shout out and I'm serious about getting tattoos. Now that would be something to blog about!
    Love ya!

  8. Hello Hinson family!
    I wanted to tell you that I'm obsessed with your house!! I love everything!! I will have you style your house when I get one!
    Miss you all!

    Eleanor M

  9. So happy to see you
    following your heart
    and your talents! Please
    bring me a card when I see
    you. Love all your additions.
    Surprised about Monticello.
    They seemed more laid back
    then that....although I guess
    they have to look out for their
    vendors. Bummer for you, though!

    Have a great weekend and see
    you soon!

    xo Suzanne

  10. Hi Jill! I adore your home and blog and I think it's wonderful that you are following your dreams! Will you be offering online services? I sure hope so and can't wait to learn more.


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