
For the love of.....

I thought it would be fun to start a series called "For the love of..." and feature something in my home that when I walk in the door makes me happy just because it's there (besides my family of course!).

I just very recently started putting original art in my home. One of my first blog posts was about the new nest painting I received as a gift from my parents. I had always had lots of botanical prints and black and white photography on my walls but found REAL art hard to incorporate.

Recently, through blogging I found the blog of artist Janet Hill. Her mostly petite and a few not so petite paintings really captured my attention. Why?

Many of Janet's works feature cozy home interior scapes. Many of the rooms I would love to live in and much of the furniture I would love in my home. Another favorite subject of Janet's to paint is clothes, she paints the most beautiful "girly" wardrobes and shoes. The photo above is title "The Reader" and is one in a series of paintings of women holding books and wearing the most beautiful clothes and shoes!

Each day, at about the same time, Janet posts an original painting for sale in her Etsy store. Warning! They are scooped up fast! I have been lucky enough to have fast fingers a few times (ok, maybe like 6 times). Grouped together, Janet's paintings are one of the things that make me happy when I walk into my living room.

How do you incorporate art into your home? Do the pieces in your home have a story?

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