

Looking through photos, I came across this image that
Heather Bullard shot in my Minnesota home {for Flea Market Style
magazine} about two years ago.
I love my collection of old clocks.....and Heather captured
them so beautifully.  Although, this image reminds me
 of how quickly time is passing.

This summer has been particularly busy.
I find myself craving a slower pace, with time
to nest and just 'be'......

Is it just me?  Or are you feeling the same?

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6 comments on "Time......."
  1. What a great collection. Yes, it does pass to quickly.

  2. Our Summer ends this coming Wednesday and I feel like we didn't even do much, it flew by this year!
    Love the clocks and how lucky are you to have had Heather in your home photographing it :)

  3. Love the image~ And yes I agree! Im ready for Fall and a school routine to start again! :)

  4. Very pretty picture of your collection. This Summer was so hot and went by so fast. I am looking forward to Fall and cooler nights.

  5. Jill, I'm with you. I LOVE the picture. But this summer, I've been feeling particularly behind. Time is flying past me and I just cannot achieve everything that I want to! I'm looking forward to fall and getting back in a routine. Why is it that I'm more productive when I'm busier?

  6. Yes! Let me know if you figure out how to do this ;)



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