
My post vacation fix....

We are home - just today after 20+ hours in the car over
the last two days....Why is going to your destination
always WAY more fun than traveling home?

But, oh home, it feels GOOD.  What did Oprah always say?
Something to the affect "your home should rise up to greet you".
Well my home rose up and said, "thank goodness the cleaning
lady came yesterday because hubby was home for 8 days
all by himself"!  

I plan to do a short post on the highlights of our trip - which was
fantastic, full of adventure, inspiring, grounding but most
of all full of memory making moments for my girls.
I am sorry to report that after running 87 miles, over 20 hours
and having over an hour and a half lead over the next woman,
my sis-in-law had to drop out of the race.  The short version is
that she was experiencing some severe dehydration symptoms that 
two years ago, when ignored, lead to some very serious
health consequences.  Although we know her decision
was hard for such a tough competitor we are so relieved
that she is healthy!

I hopped on Pinterest tonight for a little post-vacation fix 
and the image above had me 
at "hello Anna Spiro wallpaper with collected gallery wall".
Had to share with you all.....

Home.......always feels so good......be back soon.

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3 comments on "My post vacation fix...."
  1. Welcome home!

    I enjoyed coming
    along for the ride
    via Instagram......
    So many cute pics!

    Hats off to your SIL.
    The fact that she even
    TRIED is truly a victory
    in itself.

    Happy Thursday,
    xo Suzanne


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