
Oh, the places you will go.......

This is my kick-ass, sister-in-law.  I blogged about her way back
when {I would link but it's late and I am not going back through my 300+
posts to find it}.  Her name is Diana Finkel and she runs ultra-marathons -
as in 100 mile races through the mountains, up and down trails, across rivers, at 
night, for over 20 hours until she finishes........and WINS!  This weekend
she is running her 5th Hardrock 100 - a race she has been the women's winner
for the last four years!  My brother is her "pacer" which means he runs
the last 50 miles with her, helping her navigate the nighttime terrain, make
sure she is getting proper nutrition and keeping pace for a strong finish.
We are proud of them BOTH!

That's my bro at the finish, stepping aside from his pacer duties at the finish.
Diana's mother passed away the day before Mother's Day, after a very 
short EIGHT week battle with leukemia.  So, this year, my girls and me,
along with my parents have taken a road trip to Colorado
to surprise Diana and my brother at the Hardrock 100.  We can't
wait to cheer for "Aunt Diana"!  As much as I know I am a good mother,
Aunt Diana is an example of so many things that I am not for my girls.
Oh, I am completely ok with the fact that I will never run 100
miles in a 24 hour period {or in a 100 month period!}.  I LOVE that my 
girls know this kind of woman, a woman who perseveres, sets BIG goals,
never gives up, BELIEVES, commits, loves, shows passion
and above all else shows GIRL POWER. 

Diana and my brother do not have children and most likely never will -
but they are awesome examples of what aunts and uncles can be and
should be.  My girls are blessed to have them in their lives.

Please log on to the Hardrock website today and take a look at the 
results - we will be cheering her on in Ouray and then perhaps a nighttime spot.
Of course, we will be in Silverton to see the big finish!

Can  you imagine?  Running 100 miles STRAIGHT....through the night?  With 
16,000 feet in elevation changes?  Neither can I....but I look forward to cheering
those that believe they can!  Inspiring!

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6 comments on "Oh, the places you will go......."
  1. How awesome! God bless her, your brother, and your family.

    Shout real loud when she crosses that line!!!!!

  2. Wow, I mean seriously wow. That is such an amazing feat! Makes me feel bad now that I've dragged so far behind on training for a measly 5K in October. You're right, you are lucky to have such an inspiring woman as your children's Aunt. Thanks for sharing this story.

  3. This gave me goose bumps Jill! We will be cheering her on from Utah and hoping for the best outcome! How great that your girls will be there too! Have fun! Allie

  4. Wow!! Good for her. That is so great that you all will be there to cheer her on.

  5. i saw that she didn't make it to the finish, but wow...85 miles! hope she's okay. can't even begin to imagine the strength that would take...both physically and mentally. what a champion!!!


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