
Teen Room

Teen rooms can be tricky and often in my house, not 'photo ready', if
you get what I mean.  As much as I would love to be given
full reign over decorating my girls' rooms, I would never expect it.
I really believe spaces should be an expression of the 
people/person who lives there, so thus, my girl's bedrooms
are each uniquely 'them'.  

We did a little tweaking in my almost 14 year olds room this summer and in
a rare moment, I found it clean so I snapped a few photos!  

The biggest change we made was removing the vintage iron bed {which momma liked,
teen not so much} and changing the bedding.  

I inherited the white slipcovered headboard from a friend who was re-doing her 
daughter's room.  The grey {gray?} polka dot duvet and pillow cases are
from Ikea, the body pillow cover from PB Teen and the quilted grey/yellow/purple
shams are from Target!  The Dream BIG pillow is from PB Teen.

The gallery wall is a mix of vintage E's found on momma's flea-tiquing 
adventures.  The prints were purchased on Etsy  and I hope speak to 
my girl, particularly during these difficult teen years.

Momma loves herself a gallery wall!

I used locker baskets on her bookshelves to corral her collections -
cause like her momma, this girl is a collector!  

And no teen room is complete without oodles of perfume in the strongest
scents possible - these days sprayed liberally throughout the 
room so as the room smells like their favorite clothing stores.........
The bottle may say "sweet and flirty" but seems anything but
when you walk up our stairs and the scent hits you before you even get
to her room!

Both my girls have extra large cork boards in their rooms.  I allow
them to put whatever they want on the board - cause I am
mean like that, but mostly because I do not want posters 
all over the walls.

Obviously, my teen likes soccer and the boy band One Direction {and her classmates}.

Here is my teen girl.......doing what she seems to do best.....

And she just might kill me for including this photo, but hey, if you are going to do
it, I am going to post it honey.

Given the chance would I have decorated this room differently?
Probably, but that's not the point.  This room is perfect for her.

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8 comments on "Teen Room"
  1. LOve it...and she's a cutie.....do mind sharing what etsy store you purchased the Be who you are...print....LOVE that.


  2. Her room is cute. And I hear you on the whole finding a clean room moment. I am in the midst of planning both of my youngest daughters' rooms, since they each have their own room now. It has been quite the learning experience for me to let go of some of the control.

  3. As my girl would say (who thinks she is a teen), "this is toats adorbs! Looks great!

  4. her bedroom looks super cute & fun!!

  5. Love her room. And that be who you are quote is awesome... Need that for my girls.

  6. oh, i love it! i adore all the great quotes you surrounded her room with...fabulous reminders on a daily basis! xoxo, tracie

  7. Her room is simple in design, but colorful and made lively by the quotes and sayings posted in the world.

  8. Her room is simple in design, but colorful and made lively by the quotes and sayings posted in the world.


I always love to hear your thoughts! Please share!

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