
My Tween's Room......

As I mentioned yesterday, my youngest daughter starts
middle school this fall.  Although she will always 
be my baby, she is definitely acting more like the 
tween she is each and every day {in good ways!}.

Abigail's favorite color has always been pink. And when
we moved into our home two years ago, my moving guilt
allowed ME to allow HER to paint her room
a bright pink.  She loved it then but has grown 
tired of the pink {YIPPEE!} and asked if we could
paint it this summer.  Needless to say,
she did not have to ask me twice.

I whipped up the design board above for the cutest
11 year old client I know.  Just like my adult clients,
the design board allowed us to get on the same page
and for Abigail to see all the room's elements and how
they would work together.  Ultimately, this is HER space
and I am a huge believer that kids have to have some control
over their spaces.  The bedding is 
what she currently has and IS staying so 
we are working with a very light mint on the walls
with pink/navy/yellow accents.

There is lots of personality in the room - the quotes
I chose were ones any tween girl needs to hear.  
I will use the Barbie Fashion calendar
to frame a collection of individual sketches -
my girl loves Barbie AND fashion.

Mostly, I hope this space is inspiring and comfortable
for my daughter.  And of course, that she can keep it clean too!

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5 comments on "My Tween's Room......"
  1. love the fun design!!! great colors! lesli at my old country home has a great room for her girls in similar colors worth checking out.

  2. Love it! My daughter has the same fabric on her pillows :) So much fun!

  3. I love your plan! And those vintage Barbie prints are so great!!

  4. Looking forward to seeing it complete. Your plan looks super cute.


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