
Sneak peek....and my opinion on bunk beds!

I spent the better part of the last week working on
covering the very saturated dark pink walls in my 
youngest daughter's bedroom with a coat
of Benjamin Moore's Fresh Mint paint.
Phew, I am NOT a patient painter -
I'd rather hire a painter but with the help of
a friend, we knocked it out in a few days.
After many showers, I am still scrubbing paint
off myself - I am seriously a messy painter -
but that's another story.

This room has many issues.....some both good/bad, like built-ins and a 
window seat and some downright challenging like the weird small door that
leads to a finish room - originally intended for storage but my
girl uses for a playroom {it's a Barbie disaster zone!}.

Another challenge is the overall size of the room, it's on the smallish
side.  However, it has a mac-daddy walk-in closet that I actually 
wish had been made smaller in order to give the room 
more space!  But we didn't build the house so we live
with what we bought - which is pretty darn great!  

When we moved in my girl was dying for bunk beds.
And in the throws of moving and feeling the guilt of that,
in addition to seeing the value in the extra bed, we
went ahead and bought a "twin over full" bunk bed.

Functionally, bunk beds make sense if you have to have
two children share a single small room but I have
come to realize they just take up so much vertical 
space that they actually make a room feel so
much smaller.  AND if you asked a kid if they were
comfortable to sleep in, I think 9 out of 10 would
say a resounding "NO"............

So, after a lot of begging from my soon to be 
6th grader, we ended up removing her top bunk
and will put the single mattress on a trundle instead.
Gahhhhhh, I hate wasting $$$ on furniture but in
the end, her room feels so much bigger and 
we did not lose the extra bed for sleepovers,
sister sleepovers etc.....Live and learn.

I am working on finishing touches on the room
and hope to have some before and after
photos soon.

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2 comments on "Sneak peek....and my opinion on bunk beds!"
  1. Yep, we found the same
    thing when we re-did
    Will's room when he was
    entering 6th grade; bunk
    beds had to go! Enter IKEA
    platform bed, which really
    opened up the room, even
    though it's a full-size footprint
    versus a twin.

    I know that your sweet girl
    must LOVE her remodeled
    space, since she has such a
    talented designer making the
    magic : ) !!

    xo Suzanne

  2. Love how her room color turned out Jill!


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