
Cottages & Bungalows Photo Shoot!

I was contacted a few months ago by the magazine
Cottages & Bungalows.  The editor, Jickie Torres
asked if I was interested in having my home or 
a client's home photographed for the magazine.  

I have had the experience of a photo shoot in my
home {and styling shoots}but I really felt my current home is
'unfinished' and I just didn't see it possible getting it
magazine ready on her deadline.  So, I sent some
scouting shots of my friend Meg's house.

When I posted photos of this home here on the blog,
you all went crazy so I knew that it was a house
that must be published!  Thankfully, my friend
graciously agreed to the shoot!

Here we are all are!  From left to right - Meg, Jickie,
Bret and me.  It was HOT in Portland on this particular day!

Jickie, the editor, took on the role of stylist
for the shoot - so I just watched and chatted 
with Meg.....in a dark house.....I think the single
biggest surprise at photo shoots for homeowners
is to discover that photographers turn off all artificial lighting.
And for my friend Meg {aka a woman who loves
lamps as much as me - I swear it's part of our bond!}
 that meant turning off
a lot of lamps!  'Cmon everyone - lamps make
a home feel cozy...when in doubt, add a lamp, I say!

Look for Meg's house next spring in an issue
of Cottages & Bungalows!  

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6 comments on "Cottages & Bungalows Photo Shoot!"
  1. Super cool....
    Know it's going
    to be a great article!

    Think I met Meg at
    the Barn sale a couple
    of summers ago? Her
    home looks as lovely
    as she is....

    xo Suzanne

    1. Yes! That was Meg you met at Barn House! Her house is darling and so cozy.

  2. Gorgeous! Great suggestion for them!

  3. Love her house.

    I am still learning to take photographs for my blog, but one thing I always do is turn off all lights. When I photograph in the garage (my creative space is there), I turn off the light and open the garage door. The difference in the photos is amazing.

  4. Gorgeous, although I have to say that your home is equally as fabulous!!

  5. How fun! Looking forward to the article.


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