
Chasing her dreams…..

I'm headed to California tomorrow……my big girl dreams of playing
soccer in college and that process is beginning…..as she concludes 
her freshman year in high school.  Can we just slow time down, please?
Really, I am proud and in awe of her hardwork, tenacity and dedication….
I am almost embarrassed to admit to what I was dedicated
to when I was her age…..but let's not go there, oakey-dokey?

Of course, besides colleges and soccer fields, I have
some shops I'd like to visit {momma has to have fun too}
- Bountiful in Venice Beach is a MUST!
I promise a full report on Monday!

Any other suggestions????

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7 comments on "Chasing her dreams….."
  1. What colleges are you going to see?? You could go to the Agoura Antique Mart and A Beautiful Mess out by me.. those are my favorites!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Old Towne Orange has lots of fun shops and places to eat.

    A Beautiful Mess just moved to a larger location in the Antique Mart - I love most of the shops in the Antique Mart.

  3. That was my daughter's dream as well! Happy to say that she realized that dream! Her club team was ranked #2 in the country and all 18 girls on her team received div 1 scholarships. It was an exciting time.

    1. Yea for your daughter! That's the dream realized. Emma is chasing it…..

  4. My husband and I travelled the coast for our honeymoon. San Diego has a ton of things to do, but check out places like Carmel-by-the-Sea, Santa Monica pier, Huntington Beach, and Big Sur. Have fun!


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