
Playing favorites….

The change of seasons always sets off my desire for change and 
freshening up my own home….I sometimes wish I could 'turn off' that nagging
part of my brain, but I learned long ago it's just the way I am wired…
What can I say?
 My creative genes bloom right along with the tulips and hyacinths!  

This year, however, I am finding myself practicing 
more 'editing' than 'adding'……hmmmm…….

I am trying to be simplify
 {says the woman who collects clocks, canes and vintage art….}.

My living room {which also serves as my office}, pictured above,
remains one of my favorite spaces in my home……
it's quirky, collected and comfortable.
I believe I shall leave it as is.

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9 comments on "Playing favorites…."
  1. Good, because it is exceptionally beautiful ~ classic, timeless, perfection!

  2. Love this room! It looks comfy yet polished at the same time.

  3. You can't improve on perfection:)

  4. I think it is perfect so I would change it either. I love the two rectangle pillows on the sofa. Definitely perfect.

  5. Oh, I love the thought of editing... I'm just not that good at it! Beautiful living room!

  6. Beautiful! I love the white curtains against dark walls. So pretty!

  7. Hi! Can you tell me the color of this room? Also, what direction does it face (NSEW)? I'm trying to get ideas for my north-facing living room, going back and forth between dark and light paint colors. Thanks!

    1. The color is BM Duxbury - the room is west facing and our house sits at 500 ft so we get lots of afternoon sun up here!

  8. What a pretty and welcoming room.


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