
Life lately….full of good stuff….

 I imagine many of you are preparing for summer and the kiddos
being home….we still have a few weeks left of school here in the 
Pacific Northwest.  But in the back of my head there is a 
contant ticking……counting down those minutes/seconds until my days
are no longer entirely mine…..

I have been trying to fill my days with the 'good stuff'…..
hikes and lunches with friends, wrapping up work with AWESOME
local clients, freshening up my gardens, some vintage shopping
and this weekend, a quick visit to my parents' in central Oregon.
These Instagram photos pretty much sum up life lately.

Now - a couple housekeeping items…….

FIRST - I have established a {dot} com email address that
is included in the 'contact me' sections of this blog…..
unfortunately, I have discovered that when I respond to inquiries
regarding sponsored posts and design inquiries they are going to SPAM!
Seriously!  So - if you have written to me and have not gotten a response,
please check your spam folders!  I feel terrible this has happened and 
am trying to find a solution!  I want to FILL my summer with e-design 
projects {more on that later this week} so I ALWAYS respond
to all design inquires! Try sending a message to jillbeth@aol.com.

SECOND - if your name happens to be Tahir, Faheem, Dinesh or Syed….
please DO NOT leave spam content on my blog!  I am so tired
of deleting your comments about LOL and awesome money making
opportunities…..this is a ongoing problem for bloggers and while
I don't want to moderate comments, I might just have to go that route.
Anyone have a solution for me?????


Hope you all had a great holiday weekend.

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5 comments on "Life lately….full of good stuff…."
  1. Jill,
    I'm on Wordpress and comments from returning readers don't require moderation, but new comments do. I find that spammers are becoming more clever. I used to be able to discern the spam comments due to nonsensical sentences and broken English. Now, I get comments that almost seem relevant to the post (although the posts they comment on are almost always older posts). I do have to moderate those comments but they are not regulars and if I mark them as spam, Wordpress doesn't let them through next time. It is a problem, but one I deal with because for every spam comment, there are a couple of heartfelt replies to my ramblings. :-)

  2. Your ig photos look like a neat and ordered, calm life. Enjoy!

  3. Hi Jill,
    I adore your style!
    The post before this one "design process" is the flooring laminate in your clients home? Trying to pick flooring right now. I'm our engineered hardwood :-( I need something more forgiving with kids and dogs.
    Also, can you include the brand and color of the flooring.
    Thanks do much,

    1. Hi Stephanie,
      The floors are wood. The client chose the stain before I was brought on - it is a dark brown/gray. Good luck to you!

  4. I have the same problem - and they keep posting their comments on my most pinned blog post. Argh....so tired of it as well.


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