
Schoolhouse Electric

There are so many wonderful things about my hometown of Portland, Oregon -
we have great food, wine, beer, plenty of coffee,
parks, mountains, rivers, an eclectic/creative population…..
AND we are home to Schoolhouse Electric!  

I had the opportunity this week to visit their retail store and tour their manufacturing facility
in northwest Portland - it was SO fun to see how Schoolhouse's fixtures are
really handmade - such great care goes into making each and every
fixture!  And they make them ALL right here in Portland.

 As you can see, their facility is very in keeping with their products - in
fact, I even got to see the fourth floor where they shoot most of their 
products for their website and catalogs.  The painted brick, beams and industrial
feel serve as the perfect backdrop for product shots.

The retail space is SO inspiring and includes a coffee shop
and florist too!  Mixed in with their beautiful, vintage inspired lighting are
art prints, books, serving pieces, furniture, bedding, throw pillows, hardware,
gifts, shower curtains, aprons, tote bags etc….all with that
vintage/cool/hip Schoolhouse Electric vibe!

Schoolhouse just launched their spring line and there is SO
much goodness…….
Schoolhouse Electric
I chose a few favorites but it was so hard to narrow it down!
How about that brass cabinet hardware?  Or that striped
duvet/sheet set?  And the lighting……..So good!

You can checkout Schoolhouse Electric online HERE!

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1 comment on "Schoolhouse Electric"
  1. Jill,
    Mr. B and I visited Portland for a wedding one year. We loved your city and have vowed to return for a more extensive tour some day. What a great place to shop (Schoolhouse Electric). I'll add it to the list.


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