
A creative option when you need a large coffee table…..

I had the pleasure of checking in with a local client last week.
This young family moved into a 'new to them' home almost 
a year ago and quickly got to work on a major kitchen renovation.

The home is large which meant it required larger scaled furniture
than what they had in their former home.  The client was anxious to
complete the family room that adjoined their newly renovated 
kitchen and had a strict budget to stick to. 

The room really needed a large square coffee table which is 1.) hard to
come by and 2.) expensive.  My client's solution? {which was her idea, completely}
Purchase two World Market coffee tables and put them together.
I suggested the large basket tray on top to help 'unify' the tables.

The winner of the Uncommon Goods $50 credit is……


I sent you an email! Congratulations!
Thanks to all who entered.

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9 comments on "A creative option when you need a large coffee table….."
  1. I love this idea. I have a large coffee table and I adore it. This is a great solution.

  2. I just got your email and I am over the moon excited to have won! Thanks for the great giveaway!! Marcy

  3. I like the look of the two tables together.

  4. Love it! Would you be able to share more pictures of the room? Love the leather color of her sofas! Do you have more information?

  5. The tables look great together ~ very clever and unique.
    I love that basket! Can you tell us where you found it?


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