
Bloggers who lunch…..

A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend a Portland blogger
lunch hosted by Minted.com!  Like a good blogger {and unusual
for me} I took my big girl camera and am glad I did.  I know
you all like to see a pretty table as much as me.
The flowers were gorgeous!

The stationary and paper embellishments were 
adorable - of course, they were done by Minted!

Blogging can be isolating and lonely…..often done by true
introverts {ahem…..not moi!}……
I was nervous!  But I am glad I went
and met some wonderful bloggers, like Vanessa from 
At the Picket Fence - that girl knows blogging and social media, 
like she's a pro!

It's good to leave your comfort zone….especially when
it involves lunch, pretty flowers and gifts!
Thanks Minted.com!

Here's all of us……sorry for the Instagram pic.
That's me, the introverted lunch loving, flower
loving, gift loving blogger in the upper right corner.

Woop!  It's Monday!

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2 comments on "Bloggers who lunch….."
  1. Wow ~ the flowers are sooo pretty! Being an introvert myself, I would be nervous to attend something like that also. It sounds like you had a wonderful afternoon!


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