
thoughts from a 'good stuff' filled weekend……and a winner.

A wise 'older' mom once quoted this to me as I chased
my exuberant toddler while managing a stroller with
my sleeping baby in it……I remember being frustrated,
a little overwhelmed and exhausted.  I refrained from
saying out loud what I was thinking in my head,
'yea, right, lady'!  

Lately, I find myself thinking about that day and believing,
'truer words were never spoken'.

I am now that wiser mom - with a 15 year old and a 12 year old.

This weekend was FILLED to the brim with good stuff -
school dances, lessons on applying/wearing red lipstick, 
sleepovers, birthday parties, soccer games,
volleyball practice, dinner with friends who are more like cousins, 
good conversations about life choices and teenager-y things,
serious conversations about heartbreaking stuff like the suicide of a local
girl, driving, oh the driving I do these days - but all with the
the sunroof open this weekend….it was sunny and 75 in the PNW!

And from the comments on my post yesterday,
yours was too.  Boy do you all like to clean
your homes - girls after my own heart!
I hope you all got in lots of 'good stuff' too…..

The winner of the Target Easter banner is :


*I chose the 17th commentor because
my birthday is THIS week on the 17th!

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