
My dining room…..craving color {sort of}.

If you ever visit my house, chances are you would 
plop yourself down at my 'kitchen couch' - it's a favorite spot
in my Forever*Cottage. It's a homework spot, work spot,
dining spot, chatting spot, wine drinking spot, texting spot,
phone chat spot, reading spot {and famous for being the "I'll
just sit here and talk to mom while she cleans up the kitchen" spot}.…
it's where it all happens around here.

This is THE dining room in our home - part of larger
'great room' space that includes the kitchen and
family room….{and the big staircase that has become
so famous for it's gallery wall}.

I have been a little color-shy this winter - favoring more
neutrals in my accents….but with springs' arrival
I was craving some color so I began switching pillows….

Obviously, I didn't go all crazy, but our beloved bench got
some attention.

For all of you that have asked and will ask……
my European bench was a Farm Chicks purchase about
three years ago….I bought it from one of my 
favorite dealers Uber Chic Home.  Those boys
have the loveliest of lovely finds from Europe - the
things that make my heart flutter!

I have plans for this space….nothing too crazy - some bamboo shades
for the windows and drapery panels for the large French Doors….
In time……cause it's always something!

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17 comments on "My dining room…..craving color {sort of}."
  1. Beautiful! I'd hang out in that space too if I were at your house! Even though our dining room is separate from the kitchen, it is attached to the living room through a set of French doors. (Just posted about it today, in fact.) I find that people hang out more at the dining room table than they do in the living room. Why is that? I absolutely love your lantern. In fact, it's the next thing I want to add to our dining room. Because you are right, it's always something!

  2. Love the changes and the pops of color...such a pretty space!!

  3. looks pretty and can't wait to see what you do.

  4. Such a lovely and light filled spot, it's gorgeous!

  5. I just love this spot. Maybe I can have a kitchen couch someday. I'm thinking now is not the time :)

    1. Yea, probably not the right time for your "situation"….but your time will be here before you know it!

  6. Your dining room is very inviting. The pillows on the bench really warm things up. Can't wait to see how you finish the room off.

  7. What a great space. I love the kitchen chairs so if the bench is occupied, I'd be happy to pull up a chair! :-)

  8. It's so lovely as is. I wouldn't change a thing.

  9. Beautiful pillows. Would you possibly share sources for the floral one and striped one? I have such trouble mixing patterns

  10. I just discovered your blog and I'm in aww - love every bit of it! What's the paint color you have on the wall in this room?


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