
What's going on……plus a fun giveaway.

I'm not going to even apologize for my absence……I am not arrogant enough to 
think you are all sitting online waiting to hear about my next client project, 
diy attempt, gallery wall conquest…..like me, you have 
living to do!  Now that doesn't mean I don't get all
giddy when you comment, compliment and read along
with my yammering on ……… cause I do!

So here it is Saturday morning, it's peaceful in my house - the
teen and tween are sleeping in, the hubs is on a golf trip this weekend,
I am planning my day all the while the sun is doing it's best
to make us in the Pacific Northwest believe it is really spring.

Want to know what's on my 'ta-da' list today?

*some cleaning

*a little laundry

*planting the lettuce and pea starts
I purchased earlier this week

* purchasing a birthday gift
for the party my tween is 
attending tonight

*working out

* And this evening is a high school dance
so I will be driving my freshman, her date
and multiple friends to pre-parties, post parties,
photographing, calming nerves, primping,
reassuring, beaming with pride and 
soaking it all in

The Good Stuff.

And just because, I am giving away a sweet Easter banner
I found at Target.

I picked up one of these for myself shortly after I returned from
spring break and posted a photo on Instagram and had
many questions on where I found it in my Target - seems
it was quite the elusive little item in many Targets across the 
country……So the next time I went to Target I purchased 
a couple for friends. And because I think of all of you
as friends, I would like to choose a reader to 
send one of these cuties to for your Easter celebration!

Please leave me a comment telling me what's on your ta-da list
this weekend.  I will choose a winner tomorrow night (10 pm PST)!
*US residents only!

Then, come back on Monday for another giveaway! 

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38 comments on "What's going on……plus a fun giveaway."
  1. softball games, lunch with family, gathering goods for our yard sale tomorrow morning that I'm not looking forward to waking up early too and spending the rest of Palm Sunday with family :)

  2. My list consists of finishing up the bench I'm painting, start painting a chair, read, and sleeeeeeeep! xo Jonni xo

  3. My list today consists of physical therapy exercises, a little cleaning, taking the kids to a play date, meeting up with someone who is buying my old grill and tonight going on a date with my hubby, and of course more PT exercises.

  4. Today is cleaning, shopping, and listing things to sell for my daughter's upcoming trip to Japan ~ all by herself......sigh!

  5. Today I am going to a Rose Show that my mother is in charge of. She is so excited and really wanted her family to attend... Can't wait to see all the gorgeous cut roses on display... Wonderful Spring here in CA ~

  6. My weekend so far has been cleaning and tidying, making a slipcover for a chair in my daughter's room, picking my mum up as she's spending the weekend with us, a little shopping and about to have a nice dinner. Tomorrow I need to work on orders and make a cushion to go on my daughters chair.

  7. Oops ignore my comment as I'm in the UK - cute banner though :)

  8. Let's see - laundry, cleaning bathrooms, hopefully a bike ride and lots of gardening! Spring has finally arrived!!!!!

  9. Lots to do this weekend~ finish up hedge planting, need to return some items purchased earlier in the week, the kitchen and bath need a good scrub down and we have a long hike planned for tomorrow . . . lots of good thing :)

  10. Ugh. Finishing up taxes for our non-profit animal,welfare organization. Nothing like the last minute!

  11. Finishing up our bathroom makeover!!


  12. Planting garden seed for the cold weather crops---radishes and lettuces. Marie......v.mariew@yahoo.com

  13. Golfing while ,y kids play with the grandparents. We are in the PNW also so enjoying the sun!!
    Heather . . . . heatherflorida@hotmail.com

  14. Gardening, garage sales, laundry, and even dusting (my least favorite activity!)
    Thank you for the chance to win. The banner is so cute!

  15. Oh...it's absolutely beautiful here in Chicago...it FINALLY feels like spring...which means...baseball, baseball, and more baseball games for our two boys. So...here goes...2 baseball games Friday night, football practice Saturday morning, baseball practice Saturday night, palm sunday mass and brunch, baseball game Sunday afternoon...and in the middle of all that... grocery store, laundry, spiffing up the house, opening up the windows, having a nice cold one on the porch...all while so very thankful the. longest. winter. is OVER! Happy Springtime! Jen

  16. 2 Easter concerts, grilling out for the first time this spring and doing some yard work is on my list this weekend.

  17. Spray painting lawn furniture, weeding, and anything that involves being outside under the beautiful sunshine!

  18. What a cute banner! On my list this weekend was hosting a baby shower for a sweet gal from our church.

  19. How cute...doing dinner with family.

  20. Mass, laundry, cleaning, shopping, school play, newsletters, lesson plans and taxes! Seems impossible, doesn't it?

  21. My "ta-da" weekend list includes some much needed house cleaning, some much needed computer maintenance, and cooking a REAL meal that will include vegetables!

  22. We ironed and hung all our new curtains (we had the living room painted last week) and I had my final ultrasound before the new baby comes in June! Plus the regular picking up of the house and outside time now that it's finally warm!

  23. My daughter had some sweet life-long friends sleepover for her 9th birthday. We grilled hot dogs, painted nails, ate cupcakes & watched outdoor movie. Saturday was filled with 2 soccer games for my 4yo, working in yard & cooking for friends last night. Kids played and grown ups surounded fire out most of the night. We were exhausted but happy. Tada!

  24. Finishing my book... laundry and shopping for a new oven.

  25. Such a cute bunting , I havent's seen it in "my store". I am finishing a good book by one of my fav authors...the great David Rosenfelt. His earlier books were writtten sorta in a series style , by that I mean there are repeating characters. This guy(character and author) are dog lovers and sometimes the dogs have a big role. Golden 's.

    First though I am heading to Church. Then the days will be mine! Yum. karen m

  26. Love the banner!! This weekend, laundry, 2 BBQS with family, getting old clothes ready for donation pick up Monday, working out, more laundry and clean eating cooking!! Renee :)

  27. Such a sweet banner, love it! Lot's of gardening, babysitting grand baby, watching the Master's!

  28. How cute!
    attending a wedding, baking cookies, worshiping and celebrating a daughter's birthday!

  29. On my list is sleep, sleep, and more sleep. I think I managed to get caught up. Oh and some dusting and cooking.

  30. Recouping! We have had a week full of 3 family birthday celebrations, a little one with strep and a number of sporting and school events. We need to relax and prepare for Easter.

  31. Yard work, wedding gift shopping, and laundry!

  32. Well this weekend was Prom for my 16 yr. old daughter. I spent Saturday doing hair for her and her friend then taking the groups pics. Sunday I spent cleaning my house and doing 6 loads of laundry. Don't hate me because my life is so exciting... :)


  33. Perfect weekend here in Michigan..working outside cleaning up the winter mess. Extra fun today,grandson over,teaching him to dig in the garden,and how not to be afraid of worms and bugs! ( Colin is 4 y/o) then a great family dinner. Does not get much better.

  34. Doing a little spring cleaning inside and yard word outside. Thanks for the contest and Happy Easter.

  35. Laundry like crazy, organizing the house, getting my 9 month old feeling better, entertaining my 3 year old and finding a little time here and there to relax and actually talk with my husband :) Happy Easter!!!

  36. Cleaning, cleaning and MORE CLEANING! urgh! haha:)

  37. Lots of painting for me! Hope your daughter had a great time at the dance!

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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