
BlogHer '14

A blogging conference....have you ever gone to one?


Admittedly, and sadly, I have not.  I had a hard enough time over the weekend to attend a cycle class at a local studio for "Portland Bloggers".  Even though I attend classes at this studio regularly, I was apprehensive to label myself publicly as a 'blogger'......to meet others who might be younger than me, cooler than me, better writers than me.....yadda, yadda, yadda.  I didn't let my fear get the best of me however, and in the end, I had a great time, met some wonderful local, half my age  energetic bloggers.  After the ride, we gathered at a coffee shop across the street to chat some more and swap information.  It was great to make these connections with, ultimately, like-minded women.

This year, BlogHer is holding it's conference in San Jose, California - on the west coast (yea!) from July 24-July 26.  BlogHer '14 is an opportunity to learn more about blogging from great speakers like Kerry Washington and Jenny Lawson {The Bloggess}.  And I think the best thing about attending a blogging conference is making connections - like I did this weekend in a cycling studio!  Don't we all learn so much for one another???   

I am really thinking of attending BlogHer this year....how about you?  Don't you feel left out when you see all the photos of bloggers having fun, TOGETHER at a blogging conference on social media?  Well that could be us!  You can go HERE to register for BlogHer '14.  

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2 comments on "BlogHer '14"
  1. Yay for you, going to spin
    AND putting yourself out there
    to meet fellow bloggers!

    I would love to attend BlogHer
    one of these years. Unfortunately
    this year, I'll be in NC for a family
    reunion that weekend. How nice
    that the conference will be on the
    West Coast, should you decide to

    xo Suzanne

  2. Congratulations to you for getting the courage to go to the cycle class, I'm glad you had a good time. I too have a great fear of these types of events and yet I know it would be great and probably the kick in the pants that I need to be serious about blogging.. BlogHer is right in my backyard this summer, I really have no excuses. Sigh.
    xo Jonni xo


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