
Friends Make it Fun!

My slight obsession with all things related to "feathering my nest", including hunting for vintage treasures and unique decorative items makes me, me. It is part of who I am and I am pretty sure it always has been - beginning long ago when I painted white clouds on my bedroom walls and then would arrange and rearrange the furniture and accessories.

But, as you know, our family has moved around a bit.

And in addition to my children making new friends, I have had to make them too.

And while I always manage to meet perfectly nice, smart, funny, talented women, I find it hard to find many that share my "obsession".

These new friends always ooh and ahh when they come into my house (well many, some just don't "get" it) - most have absolutely no desire to pick through old barns, antique store etc...looking for that perfect chippy corbel or galvanized metal bucket I find so wonderful!

So this past weekend was a treat. Not only was I in the company of long-time friends (and some new friends too) but friends who can appreciate a great find - who have fabulous taste and can spot the perfect decorative item a mile away! These women are great moms (who each were braver than me and had 4 children each) who I know feel that feathering their nests is not only part of expressing their love for their family but also a opportunity to express their creativity.

By the way, that's me on the far left side of the picture, with my girlfriends and my Barn House friends, celebrating Farm Chicks style!

Pictures of my "finds" and how I incorporated them into my home coming soon....

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6 comments on "Friends Make it Fun!"
  1. I know what you mean. I have found such wonderful friends in blogging that share my obsession. It's so nice to talk to like minded people and share ideas.


  2. i can't wait to see what you picked up!!

  3. I so know what you mean...I do have several friends where we live currently but NON of them would think picking thru an estate sale as fun. My Dad would though....Can't wait to move back close to him!! He goes junking with me and I go to vintage car shows with him!
    Can't wait to see your goodies! I love all my FarmChicks treasures.

  4. hey! found your blog through a friend's...and i think that you somehow jumped in my brain and stole everything that i'm "obssesesd" with. ;) i like to call mine an illness, but whatever. at least there's others out there with the same medical condition, no? love your blog. can't wait to see what you picked up at the show...wasn't it fabulous?

    blessings, beth @ joyfuLiving

  5. I LOVE that picuture of us all (I may steal it--it's one of my favs from the party)!! It was very special to be around so many like-minded friends. Thanks so much flying in from Minnesota and being part of all the fun!!

    J & J

  6. I am sorry I didn't get to meet you there!


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