
My loot....and another great sale to check out!

As promised, here is a picture of most of the great loot I scored at the Farm Chicks sale. Turns out I bought three pillows! And see those great baskets? I intend to make those into pendants lights for over my kitchen island... I promise to show you how I incorporate all these great items into my home.

Now, I know the blogs are buzzing (including this one) about the great time had by all at the Farm Chicks sale. And I know many of you were not able to just drop everything and run off to Spokane for the weekend.

There are many great sales around this wonderful country of ours and one of them happens to be right here in Minnesota.

Ki Nassauer of Junk Market fame will host her 4th annual "Junk Bonanza" on September 17-19th right here in the good old center of the country. I went to the show last year and it was great, very similar to the Farm Chicks as the dealers come with their very best stuff. This year promises to be even better with a move to a bigger venue.

I will be junking at the Bonanza....think about joining me!

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4 comments on "My loot....and another great sale to check out!"
  1. love it, the cushions are my fave


  2. All adorable things but you didn't show two of the cutest pieces of all...the architectual piece and the white round little base/stand! So cute! Are they already hanging on the wall/sitting on a table? Can't wait to see where it all ends up! Have a great weekend!


  3. It's unbelievable, but I didn't buy one thing. Joe didn't let me leave the booth...he said he didn't know how to use the credit card machine -- yeah, right!

  4. I am going to be in MN in August and hear that there is a fabulous antique sale that runs from - don't quote me here... - Oranoco to Rochester...? I wish I was going to be there in September for the Junk Bonanza! Where in MN are you? Although I live in the Seattle area now, that is where I am from!
    Have a great weekend,


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