
....... Pillow love ....

Remember when I blogged about my admiration (followed by willpower, after I walked out of the store without purchasing) for this pillow at Anthropologie???

Well, here is the pillow resting comfortably on my living room couch. The pillow is happy there, as happy as I am to have it there. Shopping at Farm Chicks has caused a massive rearrangement in my home and "required" a new pillow arrangement. Am I the only one that does this? Please say no so I don't feel like a big wierdo.

Have a wonderful summer weekend everyone!

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6 comments on "....... Pillow love ...."
  1. I just did the same thing today, only with lamp shades! You are not alone : )

  2. Sometimes all you need is a new pillow to give your room a new look. Love your couch--very daring in white. Someday, when the kids are older I will have the courage for a white couch.~Tracy

  3. Your not alone- "Hello my name is Angie and I am a pillow addict" ;)

  4. I am also pillow obsessed Jill! I just bought 4 more today...for my patio furniture. I think my outdoor pillow count is reaching my indoor pillow count! Ryan used to joke that I needed to open a pillow store called "A Soft Place to Land"! Pillows and lamps...can't have too many!


  5. Hi Jill- I found your link over at
    Hooked on Houses. I think we all have weaknesses-mine is linens,including pillows, and lamps.I think that sweet pillow is exactly what that beautiful sofa needed to feel complete. Good Job! Rhonda

  6. I'm with you pillows make all the difference! Nice addition to the sofa.


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