
....I'm a neutral kind of gal......

Not long ago I never met a color I did not like - and the decor in my home spoke to this. I would contemplate what color to paint each individual room - usually choosing bold colors such as red, yellow and green.

Not so much anymore. The predominant color used in our cottage is "Gentle Cream" by Benjamin Moore with a bit of "Hazy Skies" thrown in for good measure.

I love the serenity of a white/cream/tan-toned home. Of course I use color, but only in accessories, pillows, drapes and things that are more easily changed than paint.

To prevent my neutral palette from looking flat, I use lots of textures and sparkle. Sisal rugs, linen, glass, baskets, burlap, organic/natural items such as shells, rocks, flowers all provide a needed balance against white walls and furnishings.

I loved this cottage featured on www.bhg.com - it speaks to my love of a serene neutral home. Notice how much texture is incorporated into the design!

Have a lovely day!

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4 comments on "....I'm a neutral kind of gal......"
  1. Hello Jill!
    I was checking out some Blog`s and came across yours...so I thought I would say "Hi"....I love the pictures you posted, I specially liked the one with the fire place mantle..I have one similar to that one...Mine is in my bedroom, as I have a love for all thing French...
    Have a wonderful day!
    Anna Margaret ~

  2. I agree - that home is beautiful. And I too am finally accepting my love of neutrals and going with it rather than fighting it. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I used to decorate in all that was French Country. The house was almost the exact floor plan of the Father of the Bride house. Then we moved into a one story closer to the water. French Country went out the window and hello neutrals!

  4. I'm with you. I was doing my home in a lot of deep jewel tones. Now I find myself drawn to neutrals and textures. It's such a soothing look.


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