
I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane.....

It is only Tuesday but I can hardly stand it...I am heading to the Farm Chicks Antiques Show in Spokane Washington on Friday! I am really looking forward to meeting up with friends (I still hope that Fairy Godmother shows up for you Allie) and looking for some great vintage finds!

I was last at Farm Chicks three years ago and I expect this year will be very different with the move to the fairgrounds, not to mention all the great publicity the show has had during the last 3 years. I think Teri and Serena have some great plans for the new venue.

If you are going too, please leave me a comment on this post. I would love the opportunity to meet up with some of you!

I will be sure to post on my trip when I return!

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4 comments on "I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane....."
  1. Jill, can't wait to meet you!

  2. Looks like you're gonna have a blast!

  3. Have a wonderful time and I will be looking forward to pictures. You have a beautiful blog. xo Joan

  4. Howdy~Hey, just discovered your blog. My teen daughter, Holly and I will be leaving Sisters, Oregon at 5am tomorrow for the 7 hour drive to FarmChicks, WoooHoooo!! I hope we can find you. Love your blog and will be back to parouse some more. Pop over to visit when you can.


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