
@House Beautiful...

If you are one of the 10 people (and that includes my friends and my mom) who have been reading my blog you know how much I miss my decorating shelter mags, especially Cottage Living. My mailbox is woefully empty these days.

However, I was pleasantly surprised by the July 2009 issue of House Beautiful. House Beautiful, while perfectly lovely to look at, the homes featured usually feel overly designed and decorated to me.

Because they are featuring small spaces this month I think the whole issue just felt more accessible. They even speak to my love of all things cottage, particulary "Small and Rugged" (oh, I just looked and the "house" is actually a guest cottage - oops, I suppose it is accessible if you are staying with the people who live in the fancy schmancy BIG house).

I also love the quaint but oh so glamorous "Small and Flirty" city townhouse featured. Check out the gorgeous hot pink french chairs at their game table! Love how the designer mixed hot pink with the blue and white Asian porcelain pieces!

Also check out the fabulous memo board in the kitchen. And no, I don't have any pictures to post of these rooms - I can't scan and the pictures are not on the website yet.

Just go check out the mag and enjoy....

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7 comments on "@House Beautiful..."
  1. I have mine sitting here still unread. I like the magazine but a lot of the ideas are not real life for me. I've been so sad at how empty my mailbox has become too. I didn't realize just how much joy I got from those mags until they were gone. Now I need to go read this issue and check out this guest house. Looks nice!

  2. Thanks for the tip! I wouldn't think to pick up House Beautiful because, I totally agree with you, they are often so over-decorated and just not realistic.


  3. I so miss my home mags! Really enjoyed your blog!

  4. Oh, please let some magazine go for us girls with no eye candy left. thank goodness for lovely blogs like yours to keep us going during this drought. Happy Monday

  5. I miss so many of the old magazines too! These are great photos.

  6. I know what you mean about missing my old favorite mags. This is the second blog where I've read something about the latest House Beautiful. I'll have to check it out.


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