
Sometimes the best gifts.....

are the ones you buy for yourself.

That's not to say that my thoughtful hubby and darling children are not great gift picker-outers.

They are.

But sometimes there are those special, unexplainable, and dare I say quirky, items that a girl can only buy for herself because...well...more than likely she is the only one (with the exceptions of her like-minded friends) who can fully appreciate their wonderful-ness.

I had purchased a french bottle drying rack from Tracey at French Larkspur and was able to pick it up from her when I went to Kasey's event in Illinois.

I had admired these beauties for a long time and knew it would fit perfectly in an ackward spot in my kitchen and serve as a perfect place to display some of my smaller ironstone pitchers.

Merry Christmas...to me!

What can only you buy for you?

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8 comments on "Sometimes the best gifts....."
  1. Oh Jill, it looks fabulous in that spot...perfect! Your kitchen is beautiful!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it...

    :) T

  2. Oh how I LOVE it...I didn't know Tracey had those!!! It looks wonderful!

  3. its gorgeous!
    I have a small problem with little pitchers...as you know;-)

  4. Love that bottle drying rack! I've had one on my "wishlist" for quite a while!! :) Looks gorgeous!

  5. The bottle drying rack is a perfect display for the pitchers! Can't wait to see it when it is full of them.
    Happy holidays!

  6. It is perfect!! Yes, I am with you on buying yourself that something quirky and fun. LOVE that you display the ironstone on it. Now who would've thunk?

    Adorable kitchen...love the white cabinets mixed with the cherrywood...that is sooooooo what I wanted.


  7. Jill, I only know this too well! Haha! I actually have two of those French bottle dryers, but have them put away for awhile. Love them too much to let them go yet! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, and an awesome new year! Happy junking in 2010!


  8. ..I didn't know Tracey had those!!! It looks wonderful!

    Work from home India


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