Seeing how other people live has always been a fascination of mine. I know, sort of strange, huh? But if you are reading my blog, you probably have the same fascination.....
Of course, I love to see the inside of people's homes. Sometimes when I meet someone I try to guess how they decorate the inside of their home. Are they someone that cares, like me? Or do they take a more "functional" approach?
Because we have moved around a fair amount, I am always interested in finding great neighborhoods, the kinds where neighbors really look out for one another, where there are garden clubs that prune and care for neighborhood streets and people are always out walking their dogs and kids are riding their bikes - my kind of place!
Finding out about where you live and looking at beautiful pictures of the insides of your homes is one of the reasons I read blogs!
Thought I would share a bit about the neighborhood I live in today, 'cause for as much complaining I do about the Minnesota winters, summer is really idyllic here in Cottagewood on the shores of Lake Minnetonka!
Our neighborhood sits on a peninsula so we are surrounded by water on two sides (duh?). We have three neighborhood beaches. Our favorite beach is Sandy Beach where a life guard sits on duty so, if you (not me, of course) are so inclined to skip playing in the water with your kiddos (cause I am always in the lake with the kids playing marco polo)and perhaps would rather enjoy reading a nice book or flipping through a design magazine - or even checking out the blogs on your iPhone.....I am just saying....YOU CAN!
This is my little girl yesterday....
She's doing alot of jumping off the dock lately!
And when I am not playing marco polo (or reading my book, or flipping through design magazines, or checking blogs on my iPhone) I like to watch the sailboats go by.
So....tell me a bit about what I might find going on in your neighborhood this summer?