I love the Fourth of July. Little did I know when we moved into our neighborhood that the neighborhood 4th of July celebration dates back decades. Many people who grew up in this neighborhood now bring their children to spend the day in Cottagewood (yes, that is coincidently what my neighborhood is called - that alone sold me on the house!).
The morning begins with a bike/pet/make-shift float parade. The parade is followed by the reading of the Declaration of Independence where upon it's conclusion signals the start of the "carnival" - really all sorts of old fashioned games in our neighborhood park - complete with a dunk tank! Our neighborhood general store grills hamburgers and hot dogs, parents socialize, kids eat too much sugar, get all sweaty from running around so much (probably have a couple of meltdowns)....a good time is had by all!
We are kicking off the weekend on Friday by hosting a good old fashioned barbeque in our backyard with some friends and lots of kids.
Nothing gets a backyard in shape like the prospect of hosting a party in the near future. My husband can attest to this, his "honey-do" list was particularly long this weekend.
How do you plan to spend this weekend? Join me in remembering the brave men and women who have served and are currently serving in our military - to them we owe our independence....
well I for one would sure love to attend this parade especially somewhere name Cottagewood!
Have a wonderful weekend. I love when neighborhoods are close knit and come together for festivities.
Did you find your laundry room? If you come across a spare, I'll take it off your hands ~ lovely rooms!