
I was brave with paint...

Seriously, could a title of a blog post be anymore lame?

In many ways, lately, it feels funny….silly, really, to come here and 
show photos of small projects I do in my home…..
Maybe it's a shift in me…..perspective….
time…..defining what's important…….or maybe
I am getting cynical …..

But you all seem to love photos of my home and for that
I am humbled and grateful…..and here to show you 
the latest victim of my paint brush.

The 'kitchen couch' might be the most sat on piece of furniture
in our home and while I love it's purpose and style, I wasn't always in 
love with it's dark gray original paint color.  

I recently saw a similar bench at a flea market but painted white
and was inspired to paint mine…..

I literally went to my paint stash and grabbed a white {I believe it was sample quart of BM OC-46}
and went to work….because it is an old bench, the paint went on sort of irregular,
with some of the original finish peeking through which is a bonus.
I didn't seal it, wax it, distress it…..nothing cause I am lazy like that.

All hail the power of paint!

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6 comments on "I was brave with paint..."
  1. Jill,
    I just moved my outdoor bench into the dining room to channel my inner forever*cottage... I was thinking it needed to be painted as it is a peeling tan with dark grey showing through.. This post was perfect timing. seriously. :)

  2. I am keeping an eye out for a bench for our kitchen table. Yours is lovely and how great that it is used and memories are made in your pretty kitchen. I sometimes question why and if I should post the things I do. Especially if I compare my little blog to the 'popular' blogs out there. I figure it's sort of inspiration to keep 'doing' and enjoying and certainly an escape from some of the darker parts of this world.

  3. Love it, Jill! Always love seeing the changes you make in your pretty home!!!

    xoxo laurie

  4. The bench looks lovely in your lovely home. Never tire of the pictures of your home.
    Have a great day.

  5. It looks wonderful! Such a cozy spot...now I am thinking of a small bench for our dining room...hmmm...wheels are turning. :)


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