Let me explain. Back when I started blogging, I think in 2008, I shared photos of my home {I cringe!...}....but blogging has cha-cha-changed a whole lot. Bloggers now hire professional photographers, are changing and rearranging monthly, semi-monthly, annually their furniture. art, pillows, houses! {not realistic in our lives}. Posts are filled with sponsored content, they are making up crap just to have fresh content - staging a 'Mother's Day Tea' tablescape, decorating for Christmas in October (then complaining in early December when their tree is dried out), linking to affiliates and don't even get me started on the hashtag 'contests' on IG......it all makes my head spin.....I can't keep up with that, nor do I want to, and NEVER, EVER do I want anyone to feel less than because they don't have what I have or do what I do and well, sometimes {no offense to these 'professional' bloggers} that's what I am often left feeling when I read blogs or scroll Instagram these days. And Pinterest has reminded us "Comparison is the Thief of Joy" for goodness sake! And I mean no offense, this is the way these talented {and ENERGETIC} women choose to make money and I am all for women being entrepreneurial and pursuing what they are passionate about....and if it makes you some money, well, YOU GO GIRL! What I am saying is this, the new model is not for me - I like my blogging like I like my home accessories......vintage.
Now, to appear to be a complete hypocrite, I give you a look into our home, in it's current state, shot this morning, by yours truly because it was semi-clean, I was home on a Tuesday morning {rare} and it was sunny in Portland {VERY rare these past 4 months}.
What can I say about these photos? Lots has changed in the six years we have lived in this house - but the big pieces of furniture have remained - I know those dark leather chairs aren't necessarily 'on trend' or are even something I would recommend to a client. However, they are comfortable, work well for our family, are high quality and we paid a pretty penny for them about 10 years ago! I don't hate them but I don't love them either -I decorate around them and right now, their function trumps their form.
My bookshelves have changed about 1,425,973 times during out time this house. I cringe when I log onto Pinterest and see an early photo of these shelves that someone actually pinned! Needless to say, my styling skills have come a long way baby! I am liking where they are today.
There are a couple things that I do seem to 'invest' in that bring me instant gratification when I am itching for a change - art {either new or vintage} and rugs {vintage are my favorite}. Theses are two items that bring soul to your home and add some personality - especially if you choose vintage. Just my opinion.
I can't believe I am going to confess this but, here it goes......I have been tempted to paint this pine armoire! I don't think I will ever have the guts to do it but I think it would look great a matte black with the interior painted a fun color like pink or coral or blue.....Don't worry, I won't, I don't think....
Like my faux peonies? To all my clients who I
So there you have it friends - I have missed you, missed doing this....Please know my intent is to inspire .... pure and simple.
I have thought a lot about 'connections' lately, in terms of my real life mostly - with friends, neighbors, parents, community, clients.....what I have come to realize is that connections are important to me, Lately, I have made a conscience effort to connect more. My introvert tendencies, I know, have kept me from knowing wonderful people. And let's face it, these days, so many of our connections are on social media. But I really value the connections I make with friends and in recent years, with my clients - I KNOW with great certainty that it is why my little business has been successful.
I can't say that I haven't been disappointed when a connection has been lost or not made like I hoped, but I will forever be a 'connector'. Thus, this space is important to me - we come here with common interests, a connection. I don't take that for granted, thanks for sticking around, especially if you have been here since 2008 and endured all the grainy photos, hypocrisy and random babbling {including today}.....