
Must love shoes.......

Winter has a tight grip on Minnesota...much to my dismay...

This girl has grown tired of sacrificing fashion for comfort and most of all WARMTH...

And while I long to put my Uggs and Northface down coat away FOR GOOD...the reality is is that is not going to happen.....for a l-o-n-g time.....

But a girl can dream (and shop) can't she?

Especially when she has friends in blogland who share her love of pretty shoes...

Do these ruffly girls look familiar?

My friend, and yours - the uber "Anthro Chic", one and only, Kasey of Lola B's graciously did a little shopping for me.

Yes, she did.

She was happy to spread the love, so to speak....

Because for shoe-lovin girls like us, a true friend is one who will make a special trip back to TJ Maxx to get you a fabulous pair of shoes in a size 9 1/2, box them up and mail them to you!

Thanks my friend!

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10 comments on "Must love shoes......."
  1. Wow! That is a GREAT friend!!! And those shoes are 2 die 4! I should know, I was a shoe buyer for Nordstrom :). Those shoes, my dear, have style in spades.......and in a 9 1/2? What, aren't you lucky...

  2. Those are gorgeous. I gave up being a "girly girl" about 15 years ago with the onslaught of kids - mostly boys. I want to be a girl again. I need to lose weight as it helps..but man those shoes are talking to me.

  3. LOVE!

    I'm so tired of Winter... and its snowing again in Iowa. BLECH!

    What a great friend you have!
    Enjoy the shoes.

  4. they look fabulous Jill.
    I think you should wear them out with your snowgear;-)
    You are welcome friend.

  5. Lucky duck! I went to my local TJ Maxx, but no such luck....

  6. Yeah their pretty adorable! I will have to check our TJ Maxx! Thanks for sharin! BTW I really like your blog!

    Love, Maddy via madison-madcrafts.blogspot.com

  7. Hey mommy I love your shoes they look fabu on u

  8. isn't that Kasey just fabulous?

    what a lucky girl!! Our TJMaxx didn't have any of them. :(

    Happy to have found your blog ~


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