
Nature Inspired...

Happy New Year! It is so nice to be home in our cottage...nevermind the tons of snow we got while we were gone and the single digit temperatures that linger outside my door....

I spent lots of time catching up with some of my favorite blogs yesterday.

Seems many bloggers are feeling the same way I am...inspired....

to follow our passions...

to simplify....

to become our best....

to spend our time on things that matter....

to tackle those long delayed home projects....

to take more risks....

to share....our inspiration!

Our family spent our Christmas visiting my parents in Oregon.

Oregon is a special place for us...both our girls were born in Portland and we have friends who are like family who live there.

I miss the mountains, the Pacific, the lifestyle.

I found tremendous inspiration in nature while we were in central Oregon... an "inversion" layer of air in the city of Bend (cold air that settled in the valley and just could not make it over the mountains) provided a silvery coat to all the grey/green evergreen trees - a beautiful effect! What a gorgeous color to use in our home...and great texture too.

I had fun taking these pictures with my favorite Christmas present, a new Canon Power Shot camera.

While I have a nice BIG Nikon digital SLR camera, I wanted something to be able to put in my purse and take with me.

My hubby and kids got me the small Canon and I love it! I am impressed with the pictures and enjoy having a camera with me at all times.

So how about you?

What are you inspired to do this year?

I look forward to sharing my aspirations and dreams with you....cause it's about the journey, you know? And why take a journey without some friends, right?

Oh, and by the way...I got lucky (no not that kind of "lucky")when I was in Portland.

I was able to go see the Barn House booth at the Monticello Antiques Mall!

I spent a great evening with two of my besties browsing and chatting among the goregeous booths at Monticello - I was overwhelmed! Needless to say, Monticello is really one of the best shopping destinations in Portland and their dealers had outdone themselves with their Holiday show! I DID take some pictures with my friend Carrie's camera and promise to share them with you this week.

Oh, it's good to be back!

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11 comments on "Nature Inspired..."
  1. Your pictures are stunning! I lived in Bend for two years and while I love Portland, Bend is truly magical and I am hoping to move back there.

  2. Beautiful photos! I'd like to make it out there some day...especially to a Barn Boys show!! Happy new year to you and your family...


  3. Jill these pictures are beautiful! The first 2 could be Christmas cards ~ really! Welcome back and I too look forward to an exciting 2010.

  4. Ooh I can't wait to see your pics of Monticello. I too used to live in Portland and my youngest son was born there. I do miss it sometimes and we have family and friends still there, so get out to visit when we can. I love the pics of the snow and ice, beautiful. Hugs Marla

  5. Love your photos. They look like next year's Christmas cards. "Lighten up" is my mantra for the new year... if you read my post, you know that means many things to me. Mostly though it's about my attitude and outlook. 2008 and 2009 were very "heavy" years. 2010 feels lighter and brighter already... and our sunny So Cal weather is certainly helping that along! Happy New Year, Jill!

  6. absolutely stunning photos....i can't wait to see your pictures of monticello...happy new year...jules

  7. Welcome back...so glad you shared those photos...they are just gorgeous...can't wait to see more pics from you. Happy New year and blessings, Martha

  8. Lovely photos....and I am soooo jealous of the shopping you lucky girl! A Barn House show is on my "goal list" for 2010. ;o) ~mary~

  9. I just recently found your Blog.. I am so excited to folow you along your creative trail in 2010.. Best of Wishes for the New Year.
    Bliss and Blessings,


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