
.....Red plates.......

This week my big girl was selected to participate in her 5th grade geography bee and did really well. After the bee was over and I went to congratulate my daughter, the first words out of her mouth were "do I get to eat on a red plate tonight?"....

You see, when my girlies were small I read an article about establishing traditions or rituals within your family and how meaningful they can become in your children's lives.

And while I can't say we have managed to establish many, a few simple rituals have become an important part of our "family rhythm".

One suggestion from the article (which I wish I had saved so I could refer you to it) was to purchased red plates.

Why red plates you ask?

Well, when your child has something to celebrate - losing a tooth, winning a game, celebrating a dance recital, a good report card etc...set their place at the dinner table with a special "red plate".

Simple, huh?

My girls are now 11 and 7 years old. They look forward to celebrating their successes with dinner on a red plate.


Often, in my hurry to put dinner on the table, I forget the red plate. Quickly, I am reminded by the celebrant that tonight is a "red plate night" for them.

This simple tradition makes them feel special and their accomplishments, no matter how small, or big, validated.

As I look down the road....I see a red plate on the table at their weddings(but only if I really like the guy!)....and certainly I will gift them a red plate at their baby shower(if they are over the age of 21!) so the tradition can be carried on.

Thought I might pass along this simple family tradition....I would love to hear other rituals/traditions you practice in your family!

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4 comments on ".....Red plates......."
  1. What a great idea! I love that! ;o) ~mary~

  2. That is a wonderful idea. Do you mind if I steal it?
    Congrats to your daughter!

  3. Jill,
    We have the same little tradition! My mom did it for my sisters and I when we grew up! Very cute and fun!


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