
Merry Christmas from Forever*Cottage

I just loved this image in the December issue of Country Living and thought I would share it with you today.

Tomorrow morning our little family will board an airplane and fly off to Oregon where we will celebrate Christmas with my parents.  I will not be posting until we return in 2011. 

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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15 comments on "Merry Christmas from Forever*Cottage"
  1. Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy the rain we're having here in the Northwest :)

  2. I know your address...can i come and stay at your place while you are awaY?

  3. Safe travels and Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  4. ~*~**~MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours~**~*~ Hugs, Rachel!**

    *French Farmhouse 425*

  5. Traveling mercies for you, dear friend - and have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  6. Happy Holidays to you and yours! Have a safe trip.

  7. Merry Christmas Jill, enjoy your time with your family! much love! Tara

  8. Welcome to Oregon! I hope you enjoy your time with family here in our wet state. ;)
    Merry Christmas , Jill!

  9. Merry Cgristamas..Safe travel to you..

  10. Sorry has a little to much egg nog
    Christmas that is

  11. I hope you are enjoying a lovely holiday Jill!

  12. I am so glad I found your blog all the way from Australia - i subscribe to the magazine you were in and have been drooling over your beautiful home for a week or so now! Mel xx

  13. A big PAC NW
    hug from me to
    you! I hope your
    Christmas was full
    of all those things
    that make the day
    special for you and
    your family. Looking
    forward to seeing
    you in 2011.
    xx Suzanne

  14. Merry Christmas and enjoy your visit with your parents . . . have lots of fun! Sandy:O)

  15. What color is that on your walls? I would love love to know??


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