
Why I love blogging....with kitchen photos....

Prior to moving into our new 'cottage' we did a fair amount of "tweaking"....
I use the very technical term "tweaking" because what we did not involve any sort of gutting 
of nor construction in the spaces we made changes.  Rather our "tweaking" required lots
of paint, gallons and gallons of paint, stain for the floors and new carpet for the upstairs.

By far, the biggest tweak was painting our kitchen cabinets Benjamin Moore's
White Dove.  

And because I am a blogger and a lover of all things vintage, I wrangled with
ideas to make my 7 years young kitchen into the vintage kitchen
of my dreams!

Turns out,  I found kitchen inspiration when visiting my friend and beautiful blogger
Suzanne of Privet & Holly at her home in Minnesota just prior to our move.

Suzanne has a wonderful butler's pantry with plate racks and the kind of open
shelving I knew I could incorporate into my new/vintage kitchen.

My Suzanne-inspired open shelf!

I snapped a photo of Suzanne's butler's pantry shelf with my iPhone and
sent it to my contractor, who already thought I was a bit kooky in the head after
suggesting removing this bank of cabinets altogether and replacing them with open shelving.
{oh, and for the record - I am NOT crazy about the grandma-like corner shelves!}

In the end, we removed the cabinet doors, backed the interior with bead board 
and added the plate racks to the bottom.  For now, the holes for adjusting
the shelves remain but after I decide EXACTLY where
they will stay, I will fill in the holes.

My contractor charged me $200 to customize this cabinet.  I am
thrilled with the results!  Plates are easy and accessible both for use
and to put away after the dishwasher has run (which sits just 
below this cabinet).

Yesterday, Suzanne visited me at our new 'cottage'!  Here we are in a photo
taken in front of my Suzanne-inspired kitchen cabinet!

And while I appreciate blogging for the inspiration I find in the
beautiful images posted daily.......

Blogging ROCKS for the beautiful people it has brought into my life!

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11 comments on "Why I love blogging....with kitchen photos...."
  1. Love the open cabinet Jill~ Darling photo of you two! xo Rachel

  2. I LOVE IT!!! you guys looks sssoooo cute!

  3. I am trying so hard to not be jealous right now. Your cabinet looks fantastic- exactly what I dream of doing to my own kitchen someday. Very nicely done!

  4. How lucky to have a real-life friend in the beautiful and lovely Suzanne! And I love your plate rack - functional and pretty!

  5. uh...there is something missing from that last photo! ME!!!! WAAAAAAA:(

    Your kitchen is lovely. It really is. The painters come tomorrow and start painting our house...a whole lot of Owl Gray going on. Hope it looks as great as yours:)

  6. Nothing better than open shelving in your kitchen....unless it's a good bloggy friend! :) Everything looks absolutely wonderful, Jill! And sweet photo of the two of you!

    xoxo laurie

  7. I need a huge box of tissues to wipe my tears away. I miss my kitchen. We are in the midst of a renovation and I cannot wait for my new kitchen.
    A kitchen really is the heart of a home.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Before I read, I looked at the pictures and thought those shelves remind me of Grandma and Grandpa's house. I read and see you had the same thought! It looks awesome! And I love the picture of your girls on the shelf, did you take it?

  10. Aww....I
    just love you!!
    And tell Emma
    that she did a
    great job with
    the photo. Your
    house is such a
    haven because you
    bring out the best
    in it. LOVE how
    the cabinets turned
    out. BH&G is sure
    to come calling,
    next : ) !!
    xx Suzanne


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