
Tag Sale!!!

Well friends, it's that time again.....

You know the time.....when Miss "I never met a pillow cover I
didn't like" cleans out her stash and offers it up to
all of you who generously take it off my hands....

Then I swear I will be more careful with my purchases.....
only to find myself thinking a few short months later.....
"I should really do another tag sale on my blog!"....

It's a sickness, I tell ya!

For now, I am blaming the move and the new cottage,
which just doesn't have places for everything.

Here's how it's going to work.  If you would like to purchase something either send
me an email at jillbeth@aol.com or leave a comment letting me know what you would like
to purchase.  Purchases are on a first-come, first-served basis.

I will change an items status to SOLD when it is indeed sold {duh?!}.

All prices include shipping.

Payment should be made via Paypal to jillbeth@aol.com.

I will not be able to ship items until next Monday, August 15, just
so ya know.

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions in the comment section, I try
and do my best to describe an item but sometimes I miss something.

So let the fun begin!

Two matching frames that hold a 4x6 photo.
$40 30 for both

Two Pottery Barn 24x24 pillow covers.
$45 40 for both

Two standard pillow shams in Pottery Barn's 
Matine Toile {yellow}, gently used on a guest bed.
$50 for both Sold

One Full/Queen Matine toile Duvet Cover {yellow},
gently used on guest bed - clean, no stains etc...
$70 Sold

Flour sack pillow with stenciled letters {a Farm Chicks purchase 
from a few years back}.
$40 35

Custom 12x16 pillow covers in beautiful crewel fabric,
never used {oops!}.
$75 55 for both

Now, this is a bit painful to give up but she's a big girl 
and I just don't have room for her in my new cottage.....
this a  Jeanne D'Arc bottle drying rack...purchased
a couple years ago from Tracey at French Larkspur.
$180 125 Sold!
{measures 18" in diameter at the bottom, told you she is a big girl!}

I will be in and out this week, my big girl is having a friend visit from Minnesota
and we are off to show her the Pacific Northwest!  I will do my very best
to check often on the status of items and mark them sold as soon
as I can. 

Happy shopping!

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4 comments on "Tag Sale!!!"
  1. All the items are so wonderful. Especially the bottle drying rack. But alas, I have it's baby sister so no room for this big beauty!!

  2. i love the yellow toile . ....thinking

    (although by the time i finish thinking they'll probably be long gone!)

    pretty things my friend

    have fun with your company :)

  3. Having a whirlwind
    vacation but wanted
    to check in....I would
    have bid on that bottle
    rack as I LOVED it in
    your last place...sigh...
    oh well, I'm sure bringing
    home my share of finds
    and crossing my fingers
    that they will be RIGHT
    for my own cottage!!
    Hope you are having fun
    with your daughter's MN
    friend this week!
    xx Suzanne

  4. I would like to buy the flour sack pillow.

    You can email me at tandtgoins@gmail.com

    Thank you : )



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