
Our Christmas home....

Welcome to our Christmas home 2012.

Truth be told - I don't get that excited about adding a bunch
of holiday'stuff' in and around my home, I kind
of like it as is and frankly, I don't need anymore stuff to dust.  I do love to add
holiday greenery, paperwhites and pointsettas! Oh...and
upon looking at these photos, I decided I must love Christmas words
cause there are a whole lot of them showing up!

Basically I am a 'less is more' kind of gal when it comes 
to Christmas decorating.  Oh, and if the word 'Christmas'
offends you in anyway, you can move on .....around here
we celebrate Christmas - nothing against any other celebrations - 
just around here it's Christmas, pure and simple. And if anything,
I am NOT a politically correct kind of gal.

I did a bit of a happy dance at my Trader Joe's 
when I found they had boxwood wreaths
for 9.99 - I loaded my cart with boxwood
wreaths and Peppermint Joe Joe's and headed home....
just what I needed to get into the holiday spirit.

We had our tree in our great room last year - where I currently have this white 
cupboard.  I just was not in the mood to move it so we put 
our tree in the living room - a nice change,
plus you can see it from the front of our house.
What is more festive than a lit Christmas tree
in a front window of a house????? That's
what I keep asking my kids who claim "BUT WE

And why yes, those are some random boxes{to be assembled}
from Ikea leaning against my cupboard in the photo above.
Obviously, the stylist in me had lowered her 
standards today.

Maybe I will let my kids have a candy cane....when they
appreciate the tree in the living room where they neighbors
can see it when they drive by!

The large cloche holds some of my vintage ornament collection.

And {gasp!} I don't even get rid of my broken sea shells when
I bring out they ornaments....they are friends and get along quite nicely.

I am entertaining this season - a couple small gatherings 
and then one BIG one - yep, yours truly is hosting
the soccer team holiday party......this coming Sunday.
We will have just 19 teenage girls and their parents in our
humble home.....Heaven help me!

I'm joining my friend, Jen Rizzo's Holiday 
Housewalk party. cause it's a party NOT 
at my house!

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31 comments on "Our Christmas home...."
  1. I love that it is so simple and understated. You make me want to go back and edit the few decorations I have put up.

  2. Now this is my kind of xmas decorating!!!!!

  3. so beautiful jill. i love your simple yet festive touches. you have a clean, elegant style. makes me want to trash my stuff and start again. have a wonderful day.

  4. Just beautiful Jill - u are so natural and good at this!

  5. Looks great! I, too, love Trader Joes and came home with a boxwood wreath. Oh, and their sea salt carmels, and their frosted gingerbread men...

  6. Found you at the link party! Your house looks great. Your kitchen is beautiful!

    I think less is more too! Nice job.

  7. Iwent simple for the first time ever and I really love it.
    By the way MERRY CHRISTMAS..

  8. love your style classy and yet
    always fresh!

  9. Your home looks gorgeous decorated for the Holidays Jill ♥

  10. Hi Jill, I must confess... Your home is one of the loveliest I've ever seen. Be very proud & enjoy the holidays xo's

  11. Love your home! Wherever did you get that monogram you have on your fronts door? That is so cool!

  12. In my book, your way of decorating is the best! Here's my confession, I've actually been putting some things away today. More and more things in the room just makes me feel anxious...not joyful. Less really can be more.

  13. Simple and absolutely LOVELY! Thanks so much for letting us peek inside : )

  14. Envious of your Trader Joe's boxwood wreaths! I agree with you; the clean look of your house as is doesn't need a lot of decorations....the addition of the greenery is just the perfect touch.

    I must be a robot because I can't prove I'm not one. It's taking three tries. :)

    Joyeux Noël

  15. Simple and beautiful! I love your cloche filled with ornaments too!
    I am almost to the finish line myself.

  16. So very classy! Love those boxwood wreaths.


  17. oh girl, i always love christmas at your home!!
    i've been waiting to see a full tour!!!
    so beautifully lovely & perfectly wonderful

  18. Your home is one of my favorites! I especially love seeing it at Christmas time!

  19. What a beautifully decorated and festive home! I would love to find out your paint colors in kitchen. Thanks & Merry Christmas!

  20. Oh! I just LOVE everything about your house and how you have decorated it for the holidays! This is my first time visiting and I will definitely be back. You have a very beautiful home! Thank you for sharing!

  21. Your home looks so welcoming and ready to enjoy the holidays. Loving the little shelves alongside your kitchen sink. :) Have a wonderful holiday season! Janell

    (thanks for your comment today, we should meet up after the holidays!)

  22. Jill, I really love your understated decorating. I do think it's the little touches that make a house feel festive. Well that and the tree! Your house is lovely, always!

  23. your home is gorgeous! i love all the christmas touches- your dining area is my favorite!

  24. Jill, I always love your home and your decor. Thank you so much for sharing it!

  25. Love that "Joy" pillow - so simple, but it gets the message of the holiday across, doesn't it? Your home is beautiful! I'm just popping in from the Nester's party - trying to make my way through all of the links! Merry Christmas!

  26. Simply put.....beautiful!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

  27. I adore your home!! Can't wait to see more!! Thanks for sharing.

  28. Can you tell me your dark wall color (the greenish, grayish, bluish one?)? It's beautiful?

  29. So beautiful!!! Would you mind sharing the paint color in your kitchen/dining room?

  30. I love the yellow front door. Could you tell me the brand of paint & color please.


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